Friday, January 9, 2009

Laundry Day!

Laundry Day!!
I got your (Ariane) text today and remembered that I haven't done this since Sunday, and since I'm just hangin' out in the Laundry room, what better time do I have to do it than now?

Here's a summary of my week:

Orientation was lame.

My roommates are both really really nice (I met the other one. Her name is Tessie, and she's hilarious!)  We still don't have a fourth, but somebody dropped by yesterday apparently and asked us about it, so I guess they're thinking about adding someone else? Which stinks because I'm the one with my own room, and I'm already in the swing of things... but oh well!

My classes are actually really fun!
Two English classes, and one of my teachers Brother Brugger (pronounced like 'cougar') is hilarious!  HIs cell phone policy is that you can only answer your phone during class if it's a member of the opposite sex calling you, BECAUSE it takes so much courage for the guy to finally take the jump to make that first call, and the teacher doesn't want to get in the way of somebody's first date.
Too funny.

My math teacher is funny.  A little eccentric, but funny.
And she seems pretty nice, so I feel like it should be an okay class.

My science teacher is crazy and scatterbrained.  But he's got a really good sense of humor, so I feel like it should be a fun class.

My history teacher is strict, and serious about his class.  But he's also passionate about it and knows what he's talking about.  I don't think I'll ever get bored.

And my Book of Mormon teacher is the COOLEST!  Not only because he's funny, but because he basically doesn't believe in giving tests.  And because most of us already know the basic story line of the Book of Mormon, he said we're going to pick apart things like the Isaiah chapters, and pick certain doctrines and learn about those, rather than just read through Nephi to the middle of Alma.  It's also only a block class, so it's 2 hours long instead of 1, and it ends in February.  It's pretty cool.

Chelsie Whitney is here, and I had dinner at her dorm last night.  She made a taco ring, and it was delicious!  I'm so glad she's here!!  It makes being here a little easier because she's someone I know from home.

I'm pretty much over the homesickness now.  It was hard the first few days, but everything is going really good.  I'm eating and sleeping just fine, and I'm realizing that I'm capable of being a lot more independant than I thought.  Hooray!

Bottom line:  I got really lucky with all of my classes, and my roommates.  Everything, as of right now, seems like it couldn't have been set up better for me.


  1. Yippee! I love the update. Sounds so awesome. If only I was 19 again. Enjoy it. Can't wait for know I live vicariously thru you! Have you hit Sonic yet? 1/2 price drinks and shakes between 2-4pm! Can't wait to hear about FHE next week! :-)

  2. I told you BYU-Idaho is great! You're getting a small picture of what Mike and I were saying the whole time. Sounds like you're taking full advantage of the experience and having a blast.

    Oh, and NEVER date (or let any of your roommates) date a FHE brothah...

    And remember, avoid anyone who looks/acts/smells remotely like me. We're just no good!


  3. You can date FHE brothers...just don't break up while they're still your "brother". Makes for FHE drama!
