Thursday, March 5, 2009


I visited an aquarium today!
Just kidding.  I only wish I did.
I finished my powerpoint presentation for my English 252 class and got bored because my roommates aren't here.  Well actually that might be a lie...I think Lisa might be here, but if she is she's in her room with her door closed, which is close enough to being gone that it counts.
Sorry.  That's the boredom talking.
So, What have I been up to lately?
Homework. And staying up past 10 on school nights.
I met an Irish potato farmer with red hair.  Yes.  Stereotypical... and legit!
He stopped by our dorm for a Wii guitar for guitar hero.
We of course don't have one, but he invited us over to play guitar hero when he found one.
Which he did.  So we went.  I love guitar hero!
No worries--no date interest there.
I took half of my math test today in the testing center.  Didn't do so well.
I have the take-home part to finish, and that should bring that grade right up!
I've been taking lots of naps lately.
The last time I went grocery shopping I used a bunch of coupons.
I guess you could count that as being exciting.
Been going to the gym.  I actually haven't gone since Saturday?  Well, we played volleyball for FHE on Monday, if that counts.  We were supposed to go every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.  Well... that hasn't happened yet this week.
So. Um.
That's pretty much all I got right now.


  1. So what's the countdown for your B-day? You need a counter on your blog! :-)
