Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Last week was actually really awesome!  Monday there was a ward social, breakfast for dinner, and people played this game called fruit basket... like musical chairs, but dangerous.  Someone was trying to get to a chair, and he jumped over a table and basically tackled a girl!  Luckily he's in my family home evening group, so every time I see him I think about it and laugh to myself.  So awesome.

Then on Thursday I got invited to watch The Office at Justin's apartment.  Justin is a boy I met at the ward social, who actually ended up being my FHE Dad. Weird.. haha!  (Yesterday was the first time we had a legit FHE so I hadn't met him before then)  But I went over on Thursday to watch The Office, went over on Friday to watch Hot Rod, Blades of Glory, and Anchorman... so funny!  He came over here on Saturday and we played Egyptian Rat Screw with two decks of cards so it took a really really long time.  Lisa, Hailey, and Eliza were here and playing with us.  So that was fun.  Sunday I went to his apartment near the end of the superbowl (I watched them win... yay Steelers? Although I have to admit, that 100 yard touchdown by that huge fat guy was pretty impressive!) so that I could watch The Office... but we ended up missing it because he got the time wrong, even though I had it right.
Moral of the story: people should listen to me all the time.
Yesterday, after FHE, he came over (...FHE was in the "dorm room" right next to mine) and then we ended up going to his apartment and doing homework.  I missed Heroes because someone was in the downstairs lounge, and boys aren't allowed in the upstairs lounge.
Can I just tell you how mad I was?  By the time we got to his apartment, it was already over.  And he has a ginormous TV, so it would have been awesome.
Oh well.  Basically I've been spending a lot of time with him.  He reminds me a lot of some of my friends from home, and it's really fun to hang out!

Oh, and on Sunday Lisa invited some people over for dinner.  She made enchiladas, and the boys (of course they were boys... who else do you invite over ever?... hahaha!) brought dessert.  One of them went to Brazil on his mission, so he made obrigaderu (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, but that's how you say it...) and I was SO excited!  I love anything Portugese/Brazilian, because Portugese is my favorite lanugage, and Mudd took a class in college and had to make obrigaderu for it.  Oh my gosh, SO yummy!

Anyway, here are some pictures from Saturday/Sunday

Tessie always thinks she wants to fight me.  I don't think she understands how tough I am in real life.

Lisa wanted a picture of her with hairspray.  It took a minute for my camera to decide it wanted to take a picture, and she just stood there spraying until the picture was taken.
I'm pretty sure she made herself a pretty big hole in the ozone layer, if you know what I'm sayin'.

And here is the DELICIOUS obrigaderu.  So it looks kind of like fecal matter, but it tastes like tootsie rolls kind of, and they're super good!  I was literally jumping up and down with excitement when I saw he had brought them!


  1. obrigapoo? looks interesting. love the update. and play by play. hey you can go online to NBC and watch the Office episode you missed. it's great because there are no commercials (well not as many). you might be able to watch Heroes online too. glad to hear things are going well. you didn't mention doing homework in this post. you are still doing it right? ha ha!

  2. Beware of FHE Brothers (or Dads)! ;)

  3. haha when he asked me for my number you were the first person i thought of, craig... and i laughed....

    and i've already watched both the office and heroes.
    and somehow yes, i am still getting my homework done..
    sometimes i amaze myself at how much i accomplish!

  4. Amber-
    Found your blog through Facebook. You sound like you are having so much fun! Definitely giving me flashbacks to my freshman year.

    Anyway... be careful. I married my FHE dad! :)

    Hannah Woodbury

  5. oh my! well i'm nipping that in the bud... =P
