Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Recap

So, this past weekend was actually wicked fun!  On Friday night Lisa had invited over this guy that we had met on our first Sunday, out here (Aaron), and he brought one of his roommates (Eric).  We played Skip-bo which Aaron had never played, and was the entire reason he was invited over, and he won.  We all kept helping him out, telling him what cards to put down and stuff.  And I was annoyed because I knew the help we were giving him would help him win.  So then we played Phase 10.  Everyone kept skipping me because apparently it's wicked funny to watch me freak out.  I was stuck on the same doggoned phase (2 sets of 4) for like 4 or 5 rounds!  Yarrrg, SO annoying!

This was at the point in time that I was winning.  Hooray run of 8!

From left to right, Tessie, Eric, Aaron, and Lisa.  This picture was taken during one of the millions of times I got skipped.  What the heck!

So on Saturday we went grocery shopping.  It snowed.  We got to carry our groceries home in the snow.  It was awesome... We walked down to Broulim's (is that how you spell it?) and bought all our stuff.  I bought chicken because I've been wanting parmesean chicken for about forever!  And I bought potatoes because I want to make Au Gratin potatoes, completely forgetting that I had to carry them home.  My arms are still sore!
Tessie got chocolate frosting, because she's been wanting to make cake for like 2 or 3 weeks now, and you can't really have cake without frosting.  We realized we don't actually have a cake pan, so we made cupcakes!  They were wicked good!  I decided I wanted to try to make a tower of them, and use the frosting as glue.  I stopped at four cupcakes, only because I didn't want to waste them all.  As fun as making cupcake towers is, they don't actually look appealing enough to ingest.

The amazing tower o' cupcake.

So I fit a whole cupcake, frosting and all, in my mouth.  Very ladylike, I know.  Us ladies in 215 are essentially the definition of classy.  Because I fit one, Tessie stuck two cupcakes together (where the idea blossomed for a cupcake tower), with frosting.  I dared her to put both of them in her mouth at once, and this is what happened:
Basically she couldn't do it.  It was really funny to watch, actually.

Then Lisa did her Psychology homework, and me and Tessie watched Kung Fu Panda.  I know, someone was missing out on fun because they were doing homework, and it WASN'T me.  Crazy!

Sunday we went next door to Hailey and Eliza's for breakfast--waffles!  They were so good!
Then we went to church.  When we got home I showed off my pictures of Spain, because I really really miss it right now.  Looking at the pictures only made me miss it more...but that's okay!  Oh my gosh, I would do anything for a Palmera right now!
But that's beside the point. I made Parmesean chicken and invited Chelsie Whitney and her best friend/roommate Symone, and for dessert we had root beer floats!  So yummy!
Then afterwards Lisa went to ward prayer with Hailey and Eliza, while me and Tessie were bums and stayed with Chelsie and Symone.
Get this: when Lisa got back, she reported that she has a DATE this Saturday with Aaron (skip-bo boy).  YUP!  I laughed so hard when she told us, because the whole time I've been here she's been like, "Amber, you're gunna be the first one to go on a date, I just know it!" And there she goes, bein' the first little dater!  I'm tempted to take pictures when he comes to pick her up on Saturday.  Be the annoying Mom at prom, you know?  Pahaha!
Anywho, this is me with my chicken!  Yum yum yum!

So, after Lisa told us about her upcoming date, we played phase 10 again!   Oh my gosh, I love that game!  After Chelsie and Symone left, me, Tessie, Eliza, and Hailey played skip-bo and then watched random youtube videos for who knows how long.  There's this one that's like "library games" or something, and it's like a Japanese game show where you go to libraries and flip cards over, and whoever gets the X has something harmful or yucky happen to them.  The trick is you can't laugh too loud or yelp in pain because you can't make noises in the library.  One had a nose hair plucked, one ate a wasabi roll, one got hit in the butt with a baseball bat... and it was so funny!  We're gunna make our own version and try it out in the library.  Pahaha!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! Love it! Looks like a jolly good time!
    Glad to see all those YW PP Projects are paying!
    :-) Ariane
