Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Becoming domestic!

So, last week I only worked 3 days (and technically it was only 2 and a third because one of the days was a 2 hour and 45 minute shift. Nuts!) and I had more than a little spare time. I decided that instead of being a bum I should learn how to cook, or at the very least do something remotely productive.

So on Tuesday evening I told my Mom I wanted to learn how to make 5-minute bread. Turns out it actually takes like 4 hours to make! You've gotta make it all up, then let it rise, then shape it, then let it rise some more . . . convenient my behind!

This was shaping the loaf. I kept making the most perfect faces for pictures, but of the many things my mother is good at, photography is not on the list.

The finished loaf. (Side-note: I shaped another loaf the other day, and it turned out all weird-lookin'. This loaf pictured is the most perfectly-shaped one I ever could have made.)

On Wednesday I watched the movies Spanglish and No Reservations, which both involve cooking. So I was inspired to make something else--cupcakes. Baking is a little more my forte if you know what I'm sayin' (I can't help it, I just make a delicious chocolate chip cookie!). We have this awesome Martha Stewart cupcake book, and the minute I saw the dinosaur cupcake I knew it was fate. It had to be baked by me!

Chocolate cupcake, peanut butter frosting, candy rocks, gummy candies, and molasses cookie. Best idea Martha ever had, I'm tellin' ya!

I also had a lot of time for scrapbooking. I've made a couple of video scrapbooks, but I like to have the physical book too. The one I'm working on right now is of my senior year band trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Band Geek to the max, and I don't care!
I ran out of adhesive, so I haven't done anything since last week, but these are the pages I'm most proud of! (Mind you, they're only pages 4 and 5)

I don't really have any stickers, so I just drew the letters in.

And there's the 2-page spread! Just lovely!

Monday when I got home from work, after telling my Mom all last week I was going to lay out the fabric and pin stuff down, I started work on my new masterpiece: a giraffe-print dress. At first I was determined to make it completely on my own, but after laying down the pattern pieces and cutting out the fabric my patience was tried and I said no more. It's also a pretty tricky pattern, and since I want a really cute dress instead of a sad-looking poorly made one I decided it was okay to let my Mom help. I wanted to get some pictures of me actually working on it, but we'll just have to settle for some pictures of me looking cute in it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be finished by Sunday, but my Mom's a pretty busy lady and I don't want to push that on her. We'll see how it goes . . .

Also, today at work there was a lady who came through the register next to mine and she made a balloon animal and gave it to the cashier. Oh, how I wished (and still wish) she had come through my line! OH! And the power went out today for like 4 minutes and everyone was in a panic. Lucky for me the only things that worked in the store were the front registers. It was awesome though! Then everyone who came through my line for the next 20 minutes was like, "What happened? Did the power go out everywhere? What's going on? Is Target falling to pieces?" I just kind of smiled and laughed and was like "Oh, haha, I don't know, that was so crazy!" But what I REALLY wanted to say was, "How the crap am I supposed to know what happened? Sure, I work here, but that doesn't mean that I've got a reason for every single little thing that goes on here! I've been standing behind this register all day."
But alas, I would get scolded for that.


  1. Go domesticity! Ever since I graduated I've also had more spare time and I've gotten into the sewing. I've sewn one skirt and 1.5 dresses (the first one I accidentally made out of weird fabric and it turned out weird, kind of like a short polygamist dress, and I never hemmed it and I don't wear it). You and Marie have inspired me to make an asian dress and I have this super pretty red and black brocade to make it out of; hopefully I can get it started in the next week.

    I was also the salsa and tomato canning princess this year.

    However I have yet to fully embrace my domesticity and make bread. Maybe some day...

  2. Nice skillz! Sure to snag a husband next year at school!

  3. Sheena- I don't think i will ever get into canning, and that feels a lot more domestic than bread. And Mom says she gives you permission to throw away your short polygamist dress.

    Ariane- haha we'll baby step on the snaggin' a husband thing by actually starting to date... at all...
