Friday, June 26, 2009

Double Awesome

So, I'm proud of my Mom for finally getting a blog!  She's been talking about making one for a while now, and I'm excited that she finally did it!  Now let's see if she sticks to it... hahaha just kidding!

On another awesome note, we're having the coolest ward activity!  Each FHE group had to make a parody of some big movie (ours was The Princess Bride), and then tomorrow we're all getting together and watching each groups movies.  It's gunna be so awesome!
No one from the activities committee came by to pick up our video, so I'm a little nervous about it.  I burned it onto a DVD, and I'm currently uploading it onto youtube in case for some reason the DVD doesn't work.
So, I'm letting you guys see our movie first!
It's called "The Office Bride," with a clever blend of The Princess Bride and The Office.

I'm going to tell you how what we did is related to the Princess Bride.
But make sure you watch the movie before you read this.


Watch the movie first.

Stop reading this and watch it.

Kay, ready?

So it starts out with the older person reading a book to a child.  The point of the whole thing is that they're all competing for a date with Pam (Princess Buttercup).  Then it goes to a rolly chair race between Andy (Inigo Montoya) and Jim (Wesley).  That's supposed to take place of the sword fight.  Then it goes to an arm wrestle between Darrell (Andre the Giant) and Jim.  Then it goes to a battle of wits between Dwight (the "inconceivable" guy) and Jim.  Then Michael (Prince Humperdink) comes in and makes Pam come out to lunch (a date), and sends Jim to the copier (the "machine") to make millions of copies.  Jim has to make so many, he's standing by the machine "mostly dead" when Andy comes in and is like "come on man, you gotta go do this!" so they go get Pam.  It turns out that the "date" Michael is on with Pam doesn't count (like their marriage doesn't count in the movie) because it's a client meeting.  So Jim takes Pam and they skip into the sunset.

You better have watched it first.  Maybe you can watch it again so you can see what goes where.
We're so clever I can't even stand it.
Of course after we finished filming and I was putting it together I thought of a bunch of different things to do that would have made it more awesome, but it was too late. (Like Kelly could have said like, "Boo Pam!  The queen of garbage and slime and filth..." like the gross old lady in her dream, or something about Andy saying something obnoxious to a waitress in place of "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die." but whatever...)


  1. I knew you'd make something good! Looks like it was fun! Loved that you were Kelly, animal print and all! :-)

  2. You are a mad genius. Way to rock three starring parts.
